Intercultural Skills

On-site (EU) or online seminars covering core communication and awareness skills for international companies. Courses are in English /German/Spanish.

What are your current intercultural training needs?

We are looking forward to hearing from you

Negotiating across Cultures

One-day on site (EU) / Half-day online seminar (1-10 participants)

Practical Workshop Training (One- day Seminar)

Instead of role-play, we train on practical cases during the day from your company's own business in order to make your training as relevant as possible. A detailed need analysis therefore precedes this seminar.

Core Skills

While this course is mainly aimed at professionals who already have experience of negotiation, the seminar re-explores the crucial elements of how to negotiate to win.

Culture and Negotiation
The importance of culture in busines can be underestimated. Discover why it is so crucial to success and precisely how you as an individual need to adapt when dealing with your international colleagues, partners and clients. Then discover how to apply that in a practical way to the context of your team's business activity.

Develop greater self-awareness

This is workshop seminar aimed at your specific needs, so one of the core aims of this is to determine a new awareness of self in order to successfully build trust as well as you do when working in your own culture.

Doing Business in Germany

We have a one-day seminar (or 4-part webinar) designed to give professionals key preparation for crucial initial meetings, presentations and negotiations with German business partners.  It explores the key culture and communication standards and how to adapt easily and effectively.

Working with Multicultural

One-day Workshop Seminar – on site (EU) / online (max. 10 participants)

Building Rapport

With part-time working from home, it has become even harder for us to genuinely get to know our newer colleagues. Explore the concept of rapport and what it is that establishes it and sustains it even in virtual teams.

Embracing the Unfamiliar

This seminar examines cultural models that show why and how the behaviour of colleagues can be misread. Embracing the unfamiliar involves the development of a new consciousness in order to adapt one's own behaviour.

Establishing an International Corporate Culture

A company is one team. This training explores the cornerstones of what it takes to successfully carry through on the delicate task of establishing an international corporate culture and how every company can actually benefit from having one.

International Presentations

On-site (EU) Workshop Seminar (one day) / Online – half day (1-10 participants)

Presentation Structure & Design

While this workshop aims to focus on how to deliver a winning presentation to an international audience, the material itself has to match the performance. So we start by covering the crucial must-knows when it comes to presenting your material. A detailed needs analysis as well as some preparation on the part of the participant(s) precede this training, time permitting.

Meeting Goals and Expectations

Explore the often surprising expectations of other cultures and how to therefore make sure you get your message across more effectively.

Communication and Cultural Models

The workshop will allow to you analyse your own style of presentation delivery under specific parameters and determine how you can adapt in order to be more effective when presenting in another culture.

Non-verbal Communication

Not only do we talk about how body language is interpreted differently around the world, but also the speed you talk at, the your tone of voice and the way you dress. In order for this training to have maximum effectiveness for your team, we look closely at the context of your specific field of business.

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