
Here are some frequently asked questions

Reset your password:

  • Go to “LOGIN” on the top right.
  • Then select “Lost your Password” on the login pop-up.
  • Enter the email address you used to create the account or buy your course.
  • A reset link will be emailed to you.
  • Click on this link to set a new password.
  • Log in.

When you are in a course, you are in “focus mode”, that means you have to exit the course first to be able to see the other courses in “My Courses”

If you’re on your mobile, go to the hamburger button on the top of your screen.  That will open the course menu. Select the Course Title in blue on the top. Then select the hamburger icon on the top right to go to “My Courses”.

On your laptop/tablet, just select the course title from the menu on the left. Then select “My Courses” on the top right.

You can access the course you purchased by going to “My Courses” on that main menu which is the top right of your screen.  On your mobile device, you can access the main menu using the hamburger button on the top of your screen.  “My Courses” is always on the main menu while you are logged in.  

As a new user, you will need to set your password for your next login.  You will have received an email with a link that will allow you to do this when you purchased your course.