Business Communication Specialist

Since 2003, we've been enabling professionals at top companies to negotiate internationally with more success and communicate more effectively in English.

Why us

We have 22 years’ experience as a training and consulting company and work with CEO’s and managers who require coaching and consulting on the highest professional level in key international business skills including negotiations with other cultures, presentations and managing international teams. To empower our clients to communicate better internationally, we provide business-English coaching as required. In addition, we advise companies on corporate-culture change management associated with international growth as well as cultural diversity inside their companies.  

Blended Learning Options

Combine options in order to reach your learning goals as efficiently as possible.


Access an online course now or have us create a customised one for your company.

Live online

Group workshops or premium coaching with an online trainer.

On-site training

Individual coaching at your office, anywhere in Europe.

Combine options to suit your needs

Our clients are busy professionals, each with individual needs. We want to know what suits you best so we can design a blended learning solution that fits around your work schedule.

Choose a team training solution

Discover the benefits of an in-company weekly language-training programme.

Maintain an Overview

Your online learning profile shows your progress to date and allows you to resume whenever you have time.

Measure your Progress

Our courses include regular assessments so you can really see your progress.

Add live Sessions

Your needs might change when you course is in progress. Add content or extra live learning sessions as needed.

Our Concept

We are experienced coaches and management consultants in the field of international business. But when working with you, we always want to hear what you have to say first.  Are you curious about our approach?

"You-speak" approach

In our live training, you have the stage. We listen and build your competence and skill.


Before you start training, we set the destination and while on the way, we regularly revise what you have learned and check to make sure we are on track.

Workshop style

Theory is a strong foundation for us, but practice is the main body of our training.


Our experience has proved that that a relaxed atmosphere is the starting point for all of our seminars.

Test your knowledge

How many of the classic pitfalls of Business English do you know?

Get Premium Coaching - online & onsite

Take the shortest path to success.  Get individual training from a consultant trainer with tailored learning tools added.

Optimise your Learning Time

While we love our clients and would love to have them forever, we are conscious of the fact that your learning should reach its goal as fast as possible.  Here are some ways to optimise your learning.

What our clients say