Optimise your Learning Time

Here are some ways to ensure your training yields fast results that you will notice when working with international colleagues and clients.

Identify what is relevant

Learners can spend a lot of time learning things they don’t really need to know immediately or academic nice-to-know vocabulary. You know what is relevant when have to use English at work. Stick to it.  If you need to be stronger in meetings, your course should not be spending huge time on letter writing.  Look at the new vocabulary you learned in your last language class. How many of those words are you going to be able to use actively in your next international meeting?


Set goals

If you are preparing for a new role in another country, you can probably feel how the speed of your learning has already increased compared to how fast you learned in school or in previous Business English courses.  Goals are key.  If your career hasn’t presented you with a specific Business English challenge, have a look into the near future and imagine what international challenge is most likely to come your way soon.  We can help you to choose those goals and start preparing now.


Be realistic

Consider work and life when you are setting goals.  If you have just become a parent or you’re going to be moving house, finding a relaxed space to continue learning will of course be more challenging.  Don’t make the learning experience stressful for yourself.  It won’t be effective.  So, set goals which realistically work with everything else that is going on in your life.


Make a place and time

We are all creatures of habit. Get into the habit of revising what you learned for ten minutes while sitting on the Underground or waiting at the airport gate, for example.  Pick certain places and times during the week. 


Short but frequent learning

Short learning sessions a few times a week are better than long intense ones. When learning feels boring, it’s no longer effective.  Nature has given us a fantastic ability to forget everything that is boring!  Your notebook should have little information and plenty of creativity and humour.  Our trainers can help you with the design.  Open it for a short period here and there and then put it away again.


Plan training sessions carefully

Your training session is the core of your learning.  Plan them carefully and keep them at a time when no one can interrupt and no other meetings are likely to bump them out of the way.